Priests, religious and lay workers killed in 2009
As the congregation noted: "Some were victims of that very violence that they were fighting or the willingness to go to the aid of others, placing their own security in jeopardy. Many were killed in attempted robbery or kidnapping, attacked in their homes by bandits in search of elusive treasures who most often had to settle for an old car or the victim's phone, and yet taking with them the most precious treasure: a life given in love. Others were eliminated because they opposed hatred with love, despair with hope, violent opposition and the right to abuse with dialogue."
The congregation added, “Our list does not only include the names of missionaries ad gentes [to the nations] in the strict sense, but all pastoral workers who died a violent death. This provisional list compiled annually by the Fides News Agency must nevertheless always be added to the long list of many who perhaps will never be known of, who in every corner of the planet suffer and even give their lives for their faith in Christ.”
1. Fr. Giuseppe Bertaina, Italy, Consolata Missionary (IMC): Nairobi (Kenya) – Jan. 16
2. Fr. Eduardo de la Fuente Serrano, Spain, Diocesan: Havana (Cuba) – Feb. 14
3. Fr. Juan Gonzalo Aristizabal Isaza, Colombia, Diocesan: Medellin (Colombia) – Feb. 22
4. Fr. Daniel Matsela Mahula, South Africa, Diocesan: Bloemhof (South Africa) – Feb. 27
5. Fr. Lionel Sham, South Africa, Diocesan: Mohlakeng (South Africa) – March 7
6. Fr. Révocat Gahimbare, Burundi, Diocesan: Karuzi (Burundi) – March 8
7. Fr. Gabriel Fernando Montoya Tamayo, Colombia, Redemptorists: Vichada (Colombia) – March 16
8. Fr. Jesús Ariel Jiménez, Colombia, Redemptorists: Vichada (Colombia) – March 16
9. Fr. Ramiro Ludeña, Spain, Diocesan: Recife (Brazil) – March 20
10. Fr. Lorenzo Rosebaugh, United States, Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI):
Alta Verapaz (Guatemala) – May 18
11. Fr. Ernst Plöchl, Austria, Mariannhill Missionaries: Maria Zella (South Africa) – May 31
12. Jorge Humberto Echeverri Garro, Colombia, Lay pastoral worker: Panama di Arauca (Colombia) – June 11
13. Fr. Habacuc Hernández Benítez, Mexico, Diocesan: Tierra Caliente (Mexico) – June 13
14. Eduardo Oregón Benítez, Messico, Seminarian: Tierra Caliente (Mexico) – June 13
15. Silvestre González Cambrón, Messico, Seminarian: Tierra Caliente (Mexico) – June 13
16. Fr. Gisley Azevedo Gomes, Brazil, Stigmatines CSS: Brazlândia (Brazil) – June 15
17. Fr. Mariano Arroyo Merino, Spain, Diocesan/OCSHA: Havana (Cuba) – July 13
18. Ricky Agusa Sukaka, D.R. Congo, Caritas Worker: Musezero (D.R. Congo) – July 15
19. Fr. James Mukalel, India, Diocesan: Mangalore (India) – July 30
20. Fr. Leopoldo Cruz, El Salvador, Redemptorists: San Salvador (El Salvador) – August 24
21. Fr. Cecilio Lucero, Philippines, Diocesan: Nord Samar (Philippines) – September 6
22. Fr. Ruggero Ruvoletto, Italy, Fidei donum: Manaus (Brazil) – September 19
23. Fr. Evaldo Martiol, Brazil, Diocesan: Santa Caterina (Brazil) – September 26
24. Fr. Oscar Danilo Cardozo Ossa, Colombia, Diocesan: Villavicencio (Colombia) – September 27
25. William Quijano, El Salvador, Lay, Community of St. Egidio: San Salvador (El Salvador) – September 28
26. Fr. Ed Hinds, Stati Uniti, Diocesan: Chatham (N.J.- USA) – October 24
27. Fr. Louis Jousseaume, France, Diocesan: Egletons (France) – October 26
28. Sister Marguerite Bartz, United States, Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament (SBS): Saint Berard, New Mexico, USA – November 1
29. Fr. Hidalberto Henrique Guimaraes, Brazil, Diocesan: Maceió (AL), Brazil – November 7
30. Fr. Miguel Angel Hernandez, Guatemala, OFM Capuchin: Esquipulas (Honduras) - November 8
31. Fr. Jean Gaston Buli, D.R. Congo, Diocesan: Bunia (D.R. Congo) – November 10
32. Fr. Daniel Cizimya Nakamaga, D.R. Congo, Diocesan: Bukavu (D.R. Congo) – December 6
33. Fr. Louis Blondel, France, Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers): Pretoria (South Africa) – December 7
34. Sister Denise Kahambu Muhahyirwa, D.R. Congo, Trappist Nun: Bukavu (D.R. Congo) – December 7
35. Fr. Jeremiah Roche, Ireland, Society of St. Patrick for the Foreign Missions: Nairobi (Kenya) – December 11
36. Fr. Alvino Broering, Brazil, Diocesan: Santa Catarina (Brazil) – December 14
37. Fr. Jaramillo Cárdenas, Colombia, Diocesan: Santa Rosa de Osos (Colombia) – December 20
Number by category of pastoral workers killed in 2009
Priests: 30 (19 diocesan, 1 Fidei donum, 3 Redemptorists, 1 Consolata Missionary, 1 Oblate of Mary Immaculate, 1 Mariannhill Missionary, 1 Stimmatini, 1 White Father, 1 of the Society of St. Patrick, 1 Capuchin)
Seminarians: 2
Women religious: 2
Laity: 3
God be with them all - and let us pray for those who attacked them as well.