View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Santa for President!

Okay, you know after I stumbled across this I had to post something!

He has a website complete with a list of issues and a platform -

Santa Claus is a Write-In Candidate for President of the United States! What, exactly, does that mean? Why could that be more democratic that the 2+ party system?

I meet the basic requirements (born in the U.S. and 35 years old or older) for Presidential candidates. I did not participate in primary elections or conventions. I do not belong to a political party. I do have a political platform and agenda ( I refuse to accept any campaign contributions from anyone. I refuse to spend more than $1,000 on my campaign (the federal limit is $5,000 before one has to comply with Federal Election Commission rules). My legal name is extraordinarily easy to remember: Santa Claus. I have name recognition.

My primary reason for running is that the Republican and Democratic candidates refuse to discuss the plight of the 2 million children in the United States annually who are abused, neglected, exploited, abandoned, homeless, and institutionalized through no fault of their own. That's 1 out of 37 children. Throughout the decades, those 2 million have literally grown into 50 million adults (voters) who, as children, suffered from the same experience and political indifference these children to today. 50 million is a huge voting bloc, one no candidate can afford to ignore. Only 123 million people voted in our last general election.

I'm well-versed in a variety of subjects and feel confident that my platform will be balanced. Prior to my Santa days, I served as Special Assistant to the Deputy Commissioner, Administration, of the Police Department of the City of New York (more commonly referred to as the NYPD), Member of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Defense Executive Reserve (Region 2), and Director of The Terrorism Research and Communication Center (based in NYC).

As Santa, in 2006 and 2007, I visited every state Governor's staff and discussed children's issues, formulating my solutions for the problems facing 2 million vulnerable children in dire circumstances in our great nation. I've also served as an Emergency Response Public Safety Chaplain, victim advocate, and Community Emergency Response Team member and founder of a children's national advocacy foundation. I have been an instructor at the university, college, and high school levels and earned my Masters and Bachelors degrees at New York University, where I completed my doctoral coursework in educational communication and technology.

Things I've had to consider. The national news media tend not to cover any candidate who spends nothing on TV, radio, print or other advertising. There are 9 states that do not allow write-in candidates at all. There are 25 states that require a candidate announce his/her running-mate when applying and require that official state Electors agree, in advance, to support the write-in candidate. Fortunately, there are 16 states that either require a write-in candidate do nothing or file a basic form indicating their intention to run as a write-in candidate for an office. I'm set in 16 states, so far. That's enough to garner the attention of the big boys.

For voters not sure they want to support the Republican or Democratic candidates and who don't want to just throw their vote away. I offer the opportunity to cast your ballot for someone who is trying to make a difference, to compel the other candidates to address the real issues, to emphasize the importance of our children who really are our future, to recapture the heart of America, and to replace the fear we experience today with the strongest power on earth--love. ...

Wow, this guy sounds more qualified than Obama!


Blogger Unknown said...

The depth material on the Election of Santa Anna as President of Mexico, and his subsequent actions of becoming dictator of mexico. Santa Anna was overwhelmingly elected President of Mexico. The official representative of the Associated Students of Santa Ana College, responsible for assisting in the formulation and direction of ASG.

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