View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

All a twitter

I'm in a board meeting. Having a miscarriage. Thank goodness, because there's a f*****-up 3-week hoop-jump to have an abortion in Wisconsin. from TwitterBerry


Yep. That's what she wrote. Now maybe she was just trying to shock. Maybe she was lying. Maybe she wanted to attract attention to drum up business. Or maybe she is simply so deluded that she thinks this is okay to tweet about.

Even if it's not true, it's in incredible poor taste. There are so many women out there who are hurting from miscarriages - and abortions.

Her tweet and her defense of it reveal how distorted her thinking is. (So is the thinking of the people who chastise her for ... tweeting during a board meeting!!?!)

This is a woman in desperate need of prayer.


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