View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

40 Days - Saturday Morning

I arrived for my first hour of prayer outside Planned Parenthood shortly before 7 a.m. yesterday - I am an early morning person. It was cool, but not unpleasantly cold. Traffic at that hour is light.

There was a sidewalk display at the site - a collection of stuffed animals and flowers.

Mixed in were slips of paper explaining what the display was.

I was soon joined by three other people - including a folks I've met only through blogging (good to place faces with names!). I was glad to meet them.

We prayed the daily reflection supplied by 40 Days, then a rosary (joined part-way through by Rick, who is coordinating 40 Days this year). I'm used to saying the rosary on my own; it was nice to say it with others for once. It enriched the experience for me.

After the rosary, we held signs. A couple of people had to leave early, but those who remained chatted about the campaign and the kick-off that I missed on Tuesday. One of the people who spoke at the kick-off was a man whose mother had attempted to abort him. Amazing, an abortion survivor right in our midst. I hope I get to meet him.

We also talk about sports - well it was three guys at that point, and I was wearing a Red Sox cap!
As we stood, a few cars drove by. We got a couple of supportive waves, and two ladies (Jehovah Witnesses?) pulled up to hand us Awake! saying that they agreed on the issue.

Nothing dramatic or profound happened - it was just a good experience. But nothing had to happen. We prayed - and the power of prayer will have its effect in God's good time and when the people for whom we prayed - the women and men facing choices, those who have lost their children, the employees and volunteers at Planned Parenthood, our society - are ready for God's love and grace to move them.

I will be back out there next Saturday - at 10 a.m. More traffic at that hour, and maybe a few more bloggers will join me to pray for an end to abortion and for all the people caught up in the tragedy of abortion.



Blogger Ben Anderson said...

It was great to meet you, Lee.

7:52 AM  
Blogger In the choir loft said...

Yes, It was great to meet both Lee and Ben and Theresa too.

7:10 PM  

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