View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Sarah Palin in Auburn

The Good-Looking-One and I ventured down to Auburn to see Alaska Governor Sarah Palin there for Founder's Day.

The celebration marks Alaska's 50th anniversary as a state. Secretary of State William Seward of Auburn was the person who agitated for the purchase of Alaska from Russia back in 1868.

We got there just in time to catch Palin (with Todd and Willow) pass by in the parade.

Then we got to see her speak at city hall. There were a number of "McCain/Palin" and "Palin in 2012" signs. My favorite was one suggesting that New York trade governors with Alaska.

There were also a few anti-Palin signs from animal rights people, and a couple of Obama supporters. That's part of living in a democracy!

Amid occasional cheers of "Sarah" and "Run Sarah Run," she delivered a cookie cutter speech. It was a Founder's Day Celebration for Auburn, not a political rally, so her remarks were appropriate for the event.

Palin got the key to the city, which she showed to Todd.

Lots of people there, many obviously there to see her. She'd also been in town a couple of days, so she did a lot of visiting to places like the Women's Rights Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls and the Harriet Tubman House in Auburn. Pressing the flesh. Making contacts.

Overall, a good move on her part politically. Upstate New York has the potential to be a Palin stronghold in 2012.

The Good-Looking-One, who is not a Palin fan, was motivated to join me because it meant a road trip - something she loves - and because it was a way to spend time with me (maybe working on a plenary indulgence?). I might have to go to a Hillary rally some day in compensation. (Sigh.) There was also the promise of a stop at the Montezuma Winery on the way back (several bottles were purchased - including some mead).

But she did say that she'd rather have Palin as our governor than David Paterson, who has cut funding for vet programs among his other missteps. She also noted that Palin is in remarkable shape for a woman who has several kids, and is very attractive, as, she added, is Todd.

Hmm. I might convert her yet!

A fun trip. Now I've seen Palin. Who know what will happen between now and 2012.



Blogger A Secular Franciscan said...

The latest CNN poll has it close:

Huckabee 22%
Palin 21%
Romney 21%
Newt 13%
Jeb Bush 6%

I'd take either Huckabee or Palin gladly.

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha! Palin does not stand a chance. Wake up.

8:34 PM  
Blogger A Secular Franciscan said...

Thanks for your pleasant and thoughtful comment, anonymous.

I worked for Huckabee and hope he will run again.

But I would support Palin over Obama any day.

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to give Governor Palin some credit...The three other candidates all had been running for office for 2 years before she was introduced as Senator McCain's running mate. It may have been too soon, however, I see her remaining on the scene for many years. I would like to see her run for re-election as governor and then take on Mark Begich for senator in 2014.

10:09 PM  

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