Gay Marriage Gains More Support in NY

Back when I was a reporter, I covered New York Senator Chuck Schumer. He had a reputation for having an opinion on everything - which he was always willing to share. The running joke among reporters was that you should never stand between Senator Schumer and a camera or a microphone if you valued your safety.

Apparently that also applies to standing between him and a position.
Schumer had always said he supported civil unions but not gay marriage.
Well, it's now safer politically to support gay marriage (in New York, anyway). And then there was the example of New York's newest Senator, the pro-abortion "Catholic" Kirsten Gillibrand who in January announced that she had shifted her position from supporting civil unions to supporting gay marriage (never mind what the Church says on the issue). Homosexual rights groups were delighted at her switch.
Can't let her get all the loving - or press - eh, Schumer?
So Monday Schumer announced he too is changing his position. Gay marriage is fine with him.

As Senators, they have no direct say in New York law, but with their support, and that of Governor David Paterson, the agenda is advancing.
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