View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fr. Corapi accuser promised to ‘destroy’ him after being fired

There are now reports that the person who accused Father John Corapi of various improprieties was a former employee who, after being fired, allegedly assaulted some coworkers and promised to “destroy” Father Corapi’s reputation.

According to, Bobbi Ruffatto, Vice President of Operations at Santa Cruz Media, Inc., which handles Father Corapi's media, declared in a statement Friday that the accuser's charges - the only sources of the claims against Father Corapi thus far - are contained in “the unsubstantiated rant of a former employee, who, after losing her job with this office, physically assaulted me and another employee and promised to ‘destroy’ Father Corapi.”

Again, I have no insights or other knowledge of the facts in connection with this situation, but given Father Corapi's high profile, it would not surprise me if he is the target of false accusations created through the influence of the Father of Lies. (The accuser may be duped as well, and believe the charges.)

I hope this situation is resolved soon and the truth - whatever it is - comes out. We need to keep praying for Father Corapi and his accuser.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am happy that Santa Cruz Media has spoken. Because they are not involved with the Catholic Church in any way I think that if they deem it that the accusers name should be released. She should acknowledge her wrong doing and ask God's forgiveness for defacing another human being. She best do it now repent before she has to be judged for it when her life is over.

10:12 AM  
Blogger A Secular Franciscan said...

They spoke out, true. But we still don't know the truth of the situation yet. My inclination is that the charges are false - but maybe the accuser is a distrubed person who really believes she has been wronged. We don't know yet./ So I keep praying.

10:58 AM  

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