View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Diocesan Ministries Appeal Not Appealing

Bishop Matthew H. Clark announced the start of this years Catholic Ministries Appeal with a goal of $5.49 million goal.

This year's theme for this campaign - which provides a large portion of the Diocese of Rochester's operating budget - is "Keeping the Spirit Alive."

"The Catholic Ministries Appeal is about taking care of one another -- family, neighbors and those in need. This year our theme is 'Keeping the Spirit Alive,' not only our faith in its practice, but the spirit of service in helping one another," Bishop Clark said during the appeal's kickoff press conference at Church of the Assumption.

Okay. How about the unborn in need? How about taking care of or serving them?

The Catholic Courier reports that the goal of $5.49 million is slightly higher than last year's goal of $5.39 million - a goal the diocese fell some $480,000 short of meeting . The Bishop "acknowledged that last year's campaign took place amid a dramatically deteriorating economy."

True, but there has also been growing discontent with Diocesan directions and policies. Whether all of the criticism is fair or not (and I believe some of it is fair, but some clearly is not), I think that has led to a decrease of support of financial and other support for the diocese.

At this point I give to individual programs (like those of the Catholic Family Center) and to my parish. If I see Bishop Clark or other diocesan officials in front of Planned Parenthood, or on the March for Life, or in the Good Friday procession to the abortion doctor's office, or some of the abuses at some parishes being addressed, then I will give to the diocese.

Yeah, call me short-sighted. I prefer to give where I know it will be used to help people.


Blogger Rick said...

I agree with you. The poor here have food, shelter allowances and soon healthcare. The unborn have noone and nothing other than the cold instruments of their destruction or some burning saline solution. If your bishop is lukewarm in opposing this atrocity, I hope you stop giving even in your regular donations. send them to Haiti instead where children eat cookies made of baked dirt.

8:47 PM  
Blogger A Secular Franciscan said...

I won't stop giving to my parish and to various individual diocesan ministries. They help the poor and needy - women and children who are hungry and homeless, people who need the frood pantries, the homelss in general, refugees fleeing possible starvation, imprisonment and even death in their homelands, and more.

5:15 AM  

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