View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Life: An Update (No Dada!)

Even as I’m off in Dada land, there have been other things going on.

I’m off from school for the week for Easter break. But it hasn’t been a vacation.

There was the singing marathon at church – Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. We did the "Halleluiah Chorus" twice (Vigil and Easter) and got it mostly right. People seemed to appreciate it, anyway. By Easter Sunday, though, my voice was tired. Good thing we have no practice this week.

Last Friday I also took part in the annual Stations of the Cross in Reparation for Abortion. We hold a prayer service at a local Catholic high school, then recite the stations, pray, and sing as we process to the office of a doctor who performs abortions.

One year he set up loudspeakers in his parking lot and blared a local oldies rock station while we were in front of his clinic. Given the ages of many in the group, we didn’t’ mind! And ironically, one of the songs was The End, by The Doors. How fitting.

No music this year (the town has a sound ordinance now). There was only one car in the parking lot, so maybe years of our marches have convinced him that Good Friday is not a good day to conduct his dirty business.

Although we sent out notices to the media –and more than 200 people took part – we got no coverage. Except from me, of course. On Saturday, when I did my regular weekend news shift at the local Public Radio station, I included the march in all of my newscasts.

Monday I was running around trying to finish up with Dad’s taxes. We had to file for extensions because mom’s estate is not yet settled.

Tuesday and Wednesday I worked at the radio station. Did a couple of news pieces, got some more training on the new equipment. I will be subbing and doing spot news over the summer when school gets out.

Today, I take dad to the bank for some business, then back to the house to meet with a couple interested in buying it.

Tomorrow, I have to pick up Nana and take her out shopping. I just found a nice Catholic book/gift shop, so one of our stops will be there. They have a great assortment of Chesterton for sale! I stopped there once to check it out and bought a collection of Christian poetry, an Ignatius edition of the RSV Catholic Bible, and Poetry as Prayer: Thomas Merton.

In between, I have been reading about Dada, the Book of Proverbs, and The DaVinci Code. I figured I’d better read that given all the hoopla about the film. When I’m done, I’ll write a review/reflection piece.

As for the tiredness of last week, I think the Christian Dada stuff is giving me a focus. I’m sure a therapist would say I’m just avoiding things. The underlying blues are still there, but I’ve been praying a lot, and that has helped.

I’m testy, though. Grrr.

And Saturday, back to the station for my regular shift. Then the regular weekend cycle of preparation for school begins.

Life goes on. Alleluia!


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