View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Dr. Tiller Killed

Dr. George Tiller, the controversial abortionist, was shot and killed at church today. Police have apprehended an alleged shooter. No word yet on who that person is or why that person might have shot Tiller.

Whatever the case, murder is uncalled for and unjustified. I oppose abortion, but I condemn this shooting.

Pro-life leaders like Father Pavone are also condemning this crime.

“I am saddened to hear of the killing of George Tiller this morning. At this point, we do not know the motives of this act, or who is behind it, whether an angry post-abortive man or woman, or a misguided activist, or an enemy within the abortion industry, or a political enemy frustrated with the way Tiller has escaped prosecution. We should not jump to conclusions or rush to judgment.

“But whatever the motives, we at Priests for Life continue to insist on a culture in which violence is never seen as the solution to any problem. Every life has to be protected, without regard to their age or views or actions.”

I pray it was not a deranged individual who calls himself "pro-life" who shot Tiller. Such a person would not merit the title "pro-life," and if this is the case it will only serve to damage the pro-life cause.

This is murder, plain and simple.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One reaps what one sows. Ying and Yang. "Life goes on" pun intended

8:04 PM  
Blogger A Secular Franciscan said...

At this point, the proper responses are condemnation of the killing - and prayers for the Doctor's family and loved ones.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Richard said...

Attacks on Lutheran congretations? I'd hoped the Catholics stopped supporting that kind of thing a few centuries ago. Even if one can spin the murderous rhetoric that's been used by Operation Rescue et al, to justify murdering an individual, Anonymous is still condoning attacks on a religious service.

By the way, several years ago, I was doing my banking across from the Planned Parenthood office in Kansas City, Missouri (which is a business office, not any kind of clinic) where Operation Rescue people were taking down license numbers of persons parking in the PP lot. I was handed a flier by Operation Rescue (so identified on the flier) that not just listed George Tiller's home address, but also including his photograph with a target superimposed over his image, and overtly called for his murder. Naturally, I gave a donation to PP to plant trees around their lot.

The tactic Operation Rescue was using was pioneered by Louis Beam of the KKK, and Tom Metzger of the Aryan Nations... not taking part in terrorism yourself, but creating propaganda to be used as justification by others... unstable or otherwise. If you wonder why (as Lee did recently) anti-abortion groups are sometimes considered recruiting grounds for terrorists, now you know. Because they are.

9:36 PM  
Blogger A Secular Franciscan said...

Richard: Attacks on Lutheran congretations? I'd hoped the Catholics stopped supporting that kind of thing a few centuries ago.

Who said the Catholics had anything to do with this or support this???

We don't know the religion of the man involved, and I and a number of other Catholics have condemned the murder.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Rich Leonardi said...

There will be time enough -- and probably soon -- to analyze the significance of this death. As Lee suggests, now we should pray.

10:40 PM  
Blogger Rich Leonardi said...

And a visit to Richard's site reveals him to be mostly interested in partisan politics of the hard left variety. So measure his interest in this event cum grano salis.

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Richard said...

1. I didn't say Scott Roeder (who is the presumed killer) was or is a Catholic, but that a commentator ("Anonymous") on a Catholic (and Franciscan!!) site is defending what was an attack on Lutherans. Roeder has been linked already to "Operation Rescue" and has a criminal record for attempted terrorism.

2. Donating to a tree fund to PP was a non-violent way of protecting those persons who used the parking lot.

3. My site is a commentary on MEXICAN and Latin American political history and theory, from the Mexican point of view. As such, and my tendency to quote the "mainstream" intellectuals and opinion makers may well appear "hard left" to some in the United States, which the rest of the western world considers right of center.

12:12 AM  
Blogger A Secular Franciscan said...

Richard said - "I didn't say Scott Roeder (who is the presumed killer) was or is a Catholic, but that a commentator ("Anonymous") on a Catholic (and Franciscan!!) site is defending what was an attack on Lutherans."

A few points -

This Catholic site condemned the attack immediately.

There's no telling the religion of the anonymous commentator. More than Catholics read this site.

This attack was on Dr. Tiller, not Lutherans.

The "Catholic" comment was gratuitous and unnecessary.

5:36 AM  

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