View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Love Can Move Mountains - The Proclaimers

"A cynical mind won't help you through the night

and it can't hold you up when you're too tired to fight.

Where you didn't have the strength to look after yourself

you find all that you need for somebody else."

"Love Can Move Mountains" - The Proclaimers

I've always liked the Scottish band, The Proclaimers (remember "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)?)". I love the fact that the twins still keep their Scottish brogues!

This song is off their latest album, Notes & Rhymes.

The song not only can be interpreted in a very Christian way (though it is clearly a love song with a more down-to-earth focus). The title itself immediately makes one think of the Bible where we are told with faith we can move mountains.

But those opening lines resonate with me for a different reason.

Cynicism is one of the streams that flows through our culture, and I've plunged into it many a time. Out of habit, I immediately give a cynical twist to what I see or hear in the world. It can be fun, and funny, and entertaining.

And yes, sometimes I'm right. But I also too often miss out on what is innocent and pure and good.

I need to put on the mind of St. Francis who consistent saw the good in nature.

It's a struggle: Habits are hard to change.

Ironically, the song offers an out:

That impossible task you're thinking of

Is one you can complete when you're driven by love

And the strength that you find Won't go slipping away

Once it enters your soul It's re-born every day.

Through love - God's love, and love for God - what seems impossible becomes possible.

I need to let the fears that hold me back from truly loving fall away, to plunge passionately, foolishly, completely in love with God.


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