View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Were you there? (40 Days for Life)

Were you there?

I was.


Outside Planned Parenthood, praying as part of 40 Days for Life.

Most of the time, I was alone.

Were you there?

That was the case almost all day. Few people had signed up to hold vigil.

Most of the day, no prayers.

Were you there?

I said a rosary. Waved to people who honked or gave me a thumbs up or a peace sign. Including a couple of police officers. Said a few words to people walking by.

Remembered to smile.

Were you there?

Wondered why so few people had signed up to pray.

The diocese did send out the information to all parishes. Many parishes ran announcements.

Were you there?

At my own parish, we had a table display set up. Two of us stood there after all the Masses one weekend. Father announced the campaign a couple of times, at Masses and in the bulletin. He even ran a lengthy article on the front of the bulletin.

As far as I know, only two of us from the parish responded. Perhaps a few more did.

But there are lots of gaps in the prayer list.

Were you there?

Maybe some people are afraid.

Maybe some were nervous about the threatening rain.

Maybe some are to busy trying to survive.

Maybe some don't want to face the guilt of their own involvement with abortions.

Maybe some are too busy with their own agendas and causes.

Maybe some don't care.

Were you there?

Mary of Focus Pregnancy Center arrived. She stood with me for a while, holding a sign, waving, talking to people, chatting with me.

After a while, I helped her unload some supplies and baby items from her car. To help the women in troubled pregnancies. To provide them with an alternative to the death Planned Parenthood offers.

Then I went home.

I know I shouldn't focus on what others are or are not doing. But I'm human and sinful myself.

At least I know for an hour and a half, someone was at Planned Parenthood praying for life.

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

He's crucified every day in places like Planned Parenthood.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was there on my birthday...I'll have to triple it next year

7:15 PM  

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