Archbishop Dolan Preaches and Concelebrates

New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan joined Bishop Matthew Clark at Sacred Heart Cathedral today for a Mass to celebrate the Feast of St. John Fisher, the patron of the Diocese of Rochester, and to honor priests marking their 25th and 50th anniversaries.
Archbishop Dolan concelebrated and preached.
The Archbishop offered sincere praise for Bishop Clark, and delivered an inspiring homily on the priesthood. One of his key points was that priests are called to give of themselves fully - to be "broken" just as Jesus was, and just as what happens to the Body of Christ at Mass. As part of the homily he told about a priest who due to a debilitating illness nearly fell while celebrating Mass, but continued, clinging to the altar.
That's a message to all priests: No matter how broken, keep going and cling to the altar.
Archbishop Dolan is a good preacher. I hope he comes back - I'd love to hear him again.
I got to meet him briefly after Mass (people were thronging around him). I got him to sign one of his books, and joked with him that out of respect for him, I did not wear my Red Sox cap (he's a Yankee fan by adoption). He joked back that if I had worn it I would have needed absolution.
I also got to say hello to Bishop Clark, a few priest and deacon friends, and even a fellow Secular Franciscan. And I enjoyed the music - and Bishop Clark singing the Eucharistic Prayer.
IMHO - he did the required amount of praise necessary when another bishop, who happens to have been his confessor, invites you to town. Do not be deceived into thinking Arch. Dolan just validated Clark's liberal policies. Arch. Dolan vehemently disagrees with Clark's policies and mindset as he has shown through his books and speeches. We should all show respect for Clark the man and his office, but the policies and what he has done to this diocese is totally regrettable and sad. The homily he gave today validates this.
I took his praise as genuine.
I don't know his opinion of Bishop Clark's policies, as he did not share them.
I wish I could have made it there, Lee, but I was helping out with an event at my parish.
Judging from the archbishop's comments at the press conference, he's not up to date on some of the things that have been going on around here.
I think I just might send him an information "care package."
Mike - Remember, he does not have "power" over Bishop Clark, as in he is Bishop Clark's "boss."
It's Bishop Clark's diocese, and he reports to Rome, not New York. Moreover, there is a collegiality among bishops. They generally will not publicly criticize another bishop.
Even if a bishop is really going too far - and despite some people's thoughts that Bishop Clark has, based on my experience and knowledge of the Church I don't think he has, and I don't think the hierarchy is going to do anything at this point - bishops leave any public actions up to Rome.
I suspect Archbishop Dolan already basically knows anything you might tell him, and I seriously doubt he'll do anything.
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