View from the choir

I am a Catholic layperson and Secular Franciscan with a sense of humor. After years in the back pew watching, I have moved into the choir. It's nice to see faces instead of the backs of heads. But I still maintain God has a sense of humor - and that we are created in God's image.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rock of Faith: Hands of Christ

To honor the Hands of Christ recipients, my parish held a special Mass. Rock of Faith led the music.

What was neat was that one of the honorees was Brian, who used to play guitar with us. It was nice to see him again, and to know that he is continuing to serve the Church.

We led the congregation in "Healing Waters," "This is the Day," "God of Wonders," "Come to the Lord," and "Did you Feel the Mountains Tremble" (a version of which is down below).

I thought we sounded really tight - which was nice. And I didn't hit too many wrong chords or sing too many bad notes. Maybe some day they will find a more competent guitarist/singer and the group will really take off!

Rock of Faith has no scheduled Masses at this point. We may play for some Masses over the summer - that's to be determined.

I'd like to see us play for some other events as well. Maybe there will be a youth rally? And it would be nice if we could get a few more young people to join us.


Blogger A Bit of the Blarney said...

Very good! Hoping you'll be sharing your ministry over the summer...and maybe longer! Cathy

4:19 PM  

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